The first step towards choosing your perfect rug is to determine the correct size. The rug is the foundation of the room and the invisible wall in open plan living. When the rug is the right size it will create elegance and harmony in the space by connecting all the elements into one story. The larger the rug the larger the room will look, while a small rug will draw the eye in and make the space feel smaller. You eye stops where the rug stops.
Dining room

The rule with dinings areas is that there should be enough rug all around the table so that when the chairs are pulled out they are still on the rug. You don’t want you dinner guests to feel like they are falling of the rug!
You need to allow 70-80cm all the way around the table, so if you add 140-160cm to the length and width of your table and you will have your rug size.
Rugs are also fantastic for acoustics in a busy dining room and will help to absorb the noise.

dining room one
Table 150 x 150cm

dining room two
Table 120 x 220cm

dining room three
Table 150 x 150cm